Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Book (Soft Cover)

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Book (Soft Cover)


Fearfully and Wonderfully Made is a children’s book that helps build children’s confidence in their identity in Christ. It also serves as a guide to help parents teach their children the word of God.

This book provides substance to build children’s confidence in their identity in Christ. I would like for children to understand their value in God, because too many people try to destroy their purpose by feeding them negativity, immoral behaviors, rewarding poor character traits, and dismissing their God given dreams and abilities.

This book is to serve as a guide for parents to teach their children who they are in Christ. When they know who they are, where they come from, and the power they have, even as children, they can stand against the odds.


SKU: 115 Category:

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made is a children’s book that helps build children’s confidence in their identity in Christ. It also serves as a guide to help parents teach their children the word of God.

Dimensions 0.25 × 8.5 × 11 in

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